Professional Development for School Leaders

Building Capacity for Mental Health

Establishing Practices, Plans and Policies for Healthy Schools

Supporting mental health and wellness is quickly becoming a priority in our schools as we continue to live with the after-effects of the pandemic. As school leaders, what can we do to improve support for our students, staff, families, and ourselves? 

Embark on a journey with OFIS and Julia Swaigen MSW, RSW to create meaningful and lasting changes that build capacity for great mental health in your school community.

March 25, April 1, 8 and 15

5:00 - 7:00 pm


*Registrants from OFIS member schools save 20% on fees.


This course equips school leaders with the tools and strategies to build and sustain mental health capacity within their school communities through five modules:

Self Care for School Leaders

School Leaders carry a tremendous responsibility and are prone to burn out. In this module, we examine the importance of self care, what self care truly is about and support you to make small changes for big impact.

Supporting Staff

Teaching draws on our personal resources like not many other jobs do. Ensuring that your staff is well-supported is central to student success. In this module, we discuss the different areas in which teachers need support, how to spot and address the need for further staff support and learn about different approaches to supporting staff.

Supporting Parents

When children bring stresses from home to school (and they do), it impacts their learning. In this module, we discuss how to support parents so that they send their children to school ready to learn and can act as a helpful partner in their child’s education.

Supporting Students

1 in 5 students is diagnosed with a mental health problem. That number appears to be rising, and there are many children suffering undiagnosed. Most children do not receive proper treatment even with a diagnosis. In this module, we will discuss a school’s role in supporting student mental health and different approaches to doing this.

Establishing Practices, Plans and Policies for Healthy Schools

In the final module, we discuss how to continue to strengthen capacity and maintain mental health needs as a priority in your school. Learn how schools can take action to boost the mental health of the entire school community all year through meaningful and effective policy and curriculum practices.

Instructed by Julia Swaigen MSW, RSW Director of Attuned Families

Julia has been working with public and independent schools for over 10 years and is committed to prevention, early intervention and innovation in child, family and school mental health.

What will I leave with at the end of this course that I didn't have before?

Participants will leave with clarity and confidence about their role and responsibility in supporting the mental health needs of their school community. Leaders will be given tools and resources to develop policies and practices to foster a supportive learning environment which demonstrates an understanding of the changing mental health needs in our schools. Participants will receive a certificate of completion for the course.

Am I eligible for this course?

This course is for school leaders, administrators and school mental health leaders who want to develop the knowledge and confidence to develop policies and practices that will strengthen the health and wellness of their school community.

Are there any prerequisites for this course?

No prior experience is required.

The course is 4 hours of synchronous on-line learning (4 x 1 hour sessions) and requires and additional 4-6 hours of independent work.

This course is offered virtually.

Registration is limited, as smaller cohorts allow for individualized attention to each participant.

OFIS members enjoy exclusive rates for this course. Registrants may be eligible for financial assistance through the OFIS Charitable Trust.

Session dates not currently scheduled.